A game of skill (and expertise) in art and aesthetics.
Prerequisites for the game:
The players use a rectagular wooden pad like the one used to cut meat or bread at the kitchen (preferably worn out).
They need five to seven pebbles of various design and proportions, preferably with more than two distinct facets each.
It is important that the five-six ones, the basic ones, be of the same colour and (or) hue as shown in the pictures here.
One of them must be somewhat smaller and different in shape and colour.
You may use 2 or 3 extra pebbles, but cautiously.
For the rules of the game you may ask here.
Everyman's book, a visual project on today's reading habits
Everyman's book might as well be no one's book. Α visual project by Α.Μ. addressed to the reading community of low-brow literature, a florilegium of miniatures and self-made sayings (which among other things reveals a meaningful hole through its colourful pages).
A.M. is flipping through the pages of this florilegium with his one hand while he handles a shaking camera with the other; this seems to be a deliberate part of the project: by a blurring, unstable and convulsive motion of the picture, the somewhat perplexed poses of the reading subject are stressed in silent irony.
© For all pictures etc. Aris Maragkopoulos. Reproduction only on written demand here.
A.M. is flipping through the pages of this florilegium with his one hand while he handles a shaking camera with the other; this seems to be a deliberate part of the project: by a blurring, unstable and convulsive motion of the picture, the somewhat perplexed poses of the reading subject are stressed in silent irony.
© For all pictures etc. Aris Maragkopoulos. Reproduction only on written demand here.
A specimen of the multimedia workshop of A.M. in YouTube